
"Alabama, Arkansas, I do love my Ma and Pa..."

Last week as I was falling asleep these lyrics to a song playing on a car commercial made my heavy eyelids burst open again.  I was most intrigued that my home state was mentioned in a UK car commercial and of course I wanted to know more.  I quickly did some research and found the song "Home."  Its cheerful lyrics and upbeat tune have rapidly made this song one of my new favorites.

As I'm nearing home, I am getting more excited to be with my family and friends.  It's not my house or even my bed that I'm most excited to be back to - it is all of those people who make my life so wonderful!

"Home, let me come home.  Home is wherever I'm with you."


  1. We will welcome you home my sweet friend, but I'm so thankful that you had this amazing experience. You will look back and be grateful all your life that you took this leap.


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