A Night In

I traveled to Durham, in the far north of England to catch up with some fellow Fulbrighters. We've all very much enjoyed opportunities to travel together, catch up on teaching and enjoy discussing all the differences we've encountered. I never expected to get to know all of my fellow Fulbrighters so well, nor did I expect to get to see them so often, but I must admit that it has been a huge blessing. They've become wonderful friends and a fantastic support system. And it doesn't hurt that they are always a great source of laughter as well!

We toured around the beautiful, historic city of Durham including a tour of the cathedral, a climb up the 325 steps to the top of the tower, a walk through the market and along the river, and we even enjoyed a posh high tea.

After a full week of teaching and a full day of touring, we decided that a chill night was just what we needed, but before settling in, we made a group run to Tesco. This Tesco in all is its grandeur is basically a Super Wal-Mart, but well we had a bit too much fun! We bought cozy hats, coloring books, cider, tights, and of course some chocolates, but our favorite find was a DVD collection of all 8 Harry Potter movies for only 20 pounds! Even though the movies may not play back at home, as we continue to see where scenes were filmed (even today!) we decided it was quite a steal so of the five of us... three walked out with eight Harry Potter DVDs!

So tonight, we're getting started with the Harry Potter collection, coloring, catching up and just generally enjoying each other's company. It's been a great Saturday!


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