Wonderful Kiddos

I was "on duty" today which means that I monitor the kids before and after school as they unpack and pack-up and then monitor them on the playground during our morning break.  While on the playground, many of my pupils came up to tell me how excited they were to be baking cakes in their Food Class.  I inquired more and when I heard they were each baking twelve, I asked, "What are you going to do with them all?"  Of course, being ten, they said,"Eat them!"  Very dramatically, I made a big deal about how I couldn't believe that they were going to eat all twelve of their cupcakes and not share a single one with their favorite teacher, to which they all laughed.

Then, at lunch time, two girls snuck into my room with big smiles on their faces carrying warm, beautiful, freshly made cupcakes!  What thoughtful kiddos! :)  And yes, of course, I gave them some house points!


  1. WEll I"m not surprised at all. I knew they would all fall in love with you!


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