Fun Times

Today, I want to share a photo of my friends and I from this weekend.  I'm so thankful for all of my new UK friends who have been amazingly welcoming to me.  They've made me feel at home even though I'm thousands of miles away from home.  There is no way that I could get through each and every day without their help and support.

I'm also incredibly thankful for the friendships I have with my fellow Fulbrighters.  It is amazing how quickly we have bonded and how close we have all become.  Though we are all quite different, we are all in the same boat, sharing similar experiences this year.  It's been so much fun to have them!

Not only can we cook a pretty good meal together, but we also know how to have a laugh, and we've had plenty of those: including this self-timer photo that all of the sudden included, "Quick, everybody grab a utensil!"


  1. Perfect post! I am thankful for being blessed with new friendships that will last a lifetime!


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