Thanksgiving in Hull and Christmas in Woburn Sands

I celebrated two of my favorite holidays this weekend and had a wonderful time!

In Hull this weekend, four American girls had our first attempt at cooking a Thanksgiving meal!  We started the day with a full breakfast, and barely left the kitchen until we sat down for dinner.  The four of us spent the day slicing, chopping, sautéing, baking, and cooking!  I'm very thankful for Stephanie, her bravery in cleaning out the turkey and her guidance in the kitchen!  Thanks to her coordination, planning and knowledge, our meal turned out absolutely beautiful!

We feasted on turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, stuffing, root vegetables and sweet potato casserole!  I honestly don't know how people cook the whole meal on their own, for it was a true team effort for the four of us and we had a fabulous time together!

Then, we feasted.  We sat at a table decorated with some pumpkins, candles, and even Thanksgiving paper products.  We talked about all of the things we have to be thankful for.  Our list was quite long this year, and we all had very similar things.  We are thankful for our friends and family back home; we're thankful for this opportunity and the opportunity to travel; we're thankful for technology that allows us to keep in touch with family and friends; we're thankful for our students, our colleagues and our schools both here and at home, and we're incredibly thankful for one another.

I made it back just in time this evening to go to the Woburn Sands Christmas Fayre.  There were carnival rides, craft booths, and band performances.  I saw many of my pupils and several colleagues as well.  I spoke to one parent for a while who told me that when her daughter now played school at home, she always had a great Alabama accent! Then, I joined in with a few Christmas carols as Greg Rutherford, the local gold medalist, lit the Christmas tree.  It was a beautiful way to welcome in the coming season and end a weekend of celebrations!


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