Community Theatre

Tonight, Charlotte and I went to see a play performed in a neighboring village, a community theatre production.  The village hall was beautiful.  I must admit that I am very envious of the village halls here - they all seem to have stages, a small kitchen and a huge space for performances, meetings, yoga or whatever.  I know that our community centers at home have that as well, but the old creaky wooden floors add to the charm rather than the linoleum that you'll find on the ones at home.

The cast and crew obviously put in a lot of work and time to make this production successful.  The 15-or-so member crew of the orchestra was very impressive, but it was quite a challenging musical production to be put on by such a small village.  The cast of nearly 40 people probably averaged an age of 65.  I must admit that when the men all stepped forward to take a bow and a row of shiny heads was facing the audience, I  gave a little chuckle.

However, like I said, obviously a great deal of work went into the production and I was certainly impressed with the enthusiasm and dedication!  And no matter what, Charlotte and I had a lovely evening together and found many parts very funny... although, I'm not always sure that they were supposed to be funny...


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