Bonfire Night

Tonight is Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes night here in the UK.  People all around are lighting the night with small sparkling explosions to commemorate an event that happened well before our own country was founded.  In 1605, a man named Guy Fawkes was arrested guarding explosives under the House of Lords.  He and his men were trying to assassinate King James I and replace him with a Catholic head of state.  The night now is used as a celebration in the fact that King James survived an attack on his life.

Fireworks started on Saturday night, and as I drove through the dark (for many hours!), there was always a spark of excitement when I saw the sky light up with bursts of color.  I saw several last night from my windows and this evening I heard even more.  I'm afraid I've heard more than I saw tonight, and had trouble catching any of them "on film."

So my photo for the day is not actually of the fireworks that commemorate this special day in history, but of the company I had while watching them...

I know it is not a good photograph, but I can't tell you how nice it is to have these guys back!  They were gone for several weeks, but have been home the last two nights.  There are only two of them, and I truly can't tell if it is is mom and dad or mom and baby, but the two sat cuddled up next to each other, even grooming one another while watching as the night sky illuminated with celebrations.


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