Nearly August
This morning, walking into school on a glorious spring day, one of my very special Year 5 friends said, "It's nearly August!" For her, August meant going on holiday to Sweden and Spain, so I know why she was rushing the time away, but I don't think she knew how much that little phrase struck me. I am exactly three months away from being home. The time has flown, and continues to fly by at record breaking speed. I certainly miss my family and friends back home and am eager to be in their presence once again, but I'm not quite ready for this year to be over. While school is still tough, teaching is always difficult, no matter how many years you've done it, I'm having the time of my life. I've made some incredible friends this year, both at my school, in the area, and those fellow Fulbrighters. I'm loving our travel adventures and enjoying soaking as much British culture as I can (especially afternoon tea!). It isn't "nearly August" as my little friend said, but at the rate things are going, I have no doubt that will be a true statement way too quickly. It's a truly wonderful blessing to know that you are happy where you are rooted, but that you can find happiness in other villages half-way around the world, too!
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