Next week, the Year 6s will be taking their SATS tests in English and Maths.  Much like home, they are standardized tests that kids from all across the country are taking.  The tests are to ensure that teachers are doing their jobs and pupils are learning at the rate at which they should.  While the test format is fairly different, the ideals are fairly similar.  The closer the approaching deadline comes, the more pressure we all begin to feel.  It is something that happens no matter how prepared you may feel.  After several weeks of heavy revision (reviewing) for the tests, my year 6 English pupils took another practice test today, their last one before the actual test on Monday.  I had about a handful of pupils who achieved their best ever score today and about two thirds of the class either topped or tied their best score.  I can't wait to share these scores with them tomorrow, encouraging them on how much they do truly know and boosting their confidence for Monday.

The test they did today involved several different stories, one of which was about a cowboy who herded a herd of mustangs all by himself even though his friends thought the task was impossible.  One question asked the kids to write what the friends might have said as the cowboy returned to them with a herd of mustangs.  This was my favorite response...

See, I dun teached my kids good English! :)


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