
At the beginning of the year, on my very first day, in a staff meeting, the head teacher talked about something the school would be working on this year: values.  The more he talked about it, the more it sounded familiar.  My home school is a National School of Character; we intertwine character into everything that we do.  It is one of the things I am most proud of about my home school and I truly think we are helping to mold wonderful, caring, contributing members of society.  (Please don't in anyway think that I think kids can just learn these character traits at school!  It is very much of a team effort with the parents and the community!)

My host school is in the beginning phases of working to incorporate values into their teaching.  I'm thrilled to be a part of this and hope that I can be of some help!  There have been so many times throughout this school year that I have felt incompetent as a teacher, but I feel this is something I do know about, so I'm hoping I can contribute!

For the first step, the school needs to decide on a core list of values, which is really a daunting task as there are so many that are so very important.  We are starting with values the pupils feel are important, then the staff, governors and parents will all be asked to contribute and discuss them as well.

In our PSHE lesson today, we talked about what values are and how we show which values are important to us.  We watched a few of those wonderful adverts from (Foundation for a Better Life) and discussed what values the people in the videos showed.  Then, I asked the small groups of kids to choose their 5-8 top values.  It was a difficult task, but I was thoroughly impressed with the lists that the kids created.  They carefully chose values that were important for good pupils to show, but more importantly, values people should have.


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