Pursuit of Happiness

For my American Studies class this afternoon, I taught my kids about the American government. It went very well and the kids were able to make lots of comparisons with their own government. 

As a teacher, there are many quotes and conversations that you encounter in your daily life that are quite humorous. I have written down many of these quotes over the years and often look back over them for a good laugh. Today, while explaining about our president, I encountered one of my very favorite quotes from a student:
"The president takes an oath and places his hand on a Bible..."
"REALLY? An American Bible or a British Bible?"
"Um, well, I think they are about the same."
"No, the British version has Joseph and the epileptic seizure jacket."
"Are you talking about Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat?"

After our lesson on American government, the kids made Independence mobiles with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness pieces. They were great with some wonderful, creative aspects.

Now, I'm on the Isle of Wight pursuing some happiness of my own!;)


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