Woburn Abbey

There are certain things that we all enjoy showing off about our hometowns, and Woburn Abbey is certainly mine!  I have now visited Woburn Abbey four times, each time I've been honored to welcome visitors at my home for the year.  Today, I took my guests back to this majestic park and home, just a few miles from my home.  We toured the historic home then headed into the gardens to soak up the lovely spring day.

After three previous trips to the gardens, I had not yet been into the maze; it had always been closed.  Thankfully, the maze was open today which led to quite a long while of entertainment as we got lost several times along the way.  Emily, the aerospace engineer, made it to the center first.

Blair and Turtle lost in the maze
One of my very favorite English traditions is afternoon tea and I wanted to make sure that my friends also enjoyed the tradition.  We treated ourselves to a whole lot of food at afternoon tea, enjoying every bite and each sip of sweet fruity tea!

We enjoyed walks around the property and through the gardens, but a highlight of the day was taking funny photos.  Newer iPhones have the capability of taking panoramic photos where you scan across an area to make one long, narrow shot.  Since you are scanning and not taking a still photo, this means you can move around and get repositioned in order to get a shot.  

This group always makes me laugh, and today we spent a whole lot of time laughing!


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